To thrive in calamity or perish in soft living. — Mencius

然後知生於憂患而死於安樂也。— 孟子《告子下》


Hello and welcome, I am Johnny and I am a Machine Learning Developer. I started my Data Science and Machine Learning journey in 2017, at that time the knowledges was pieces by pieces and sometimes I really forgot what I have learned, and some “ah-ha” moments will escaped from the finger tips if I didn’t record it down. So I started this blog, mainly for consolidate the knowledge and skills, it do have much benefits:

  • It’s like a resume, only better. I know of a few people who have had blog posts lead to job offers!
  • Helps me learn. Organizing knowledge always helps me synthesize my own ideas. One of the tests of whether you understand something is whether you can explain it to someone else. A blog post is a great way to do that.
  • Saves time. Any time you answer a question multiple times through email, you should turn it into a blog post, which makes it easier for you to share the next time someone asks.

You can find me at:


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