F1 Score vs ROC AUC vs Accuracy vs PR AUC


PR AUC and F1 Score are very robust evaluation metrics that work great for many classification problems but from my experience more commonly used metrics are Accuracy and ROC AUC. Are they better? Not really. As with the famous “AUC vs Accuracy” discussion: There are real benefits to using both. the big question is WHEN.

There are many questions that you may have right now:

  • When accuracy is better evaluation than ROC AUC?
  • What is the F1 Score good for?
  • What is PR Curve and how to actually use it?
  • If my problem is highly imbalanced should I use ROC AUC or PR AUC?

As always it depends, but understanding the trade-offs between different metrics is crucial when it comes to making the correct decision.

In this blog we will discuss:

  • Talk about some of the most common binary classification metrics like F1 Score, ROC AUC, PR AUC and Accuracy.
  • Compare them using an example binary classification problem.
  • Tells what we should consider when deciding to choose one metric over the others (F1 Score vs ROC AUC)


It measures how many observations, both positive and negative, were correctly classfied. Accuracy=tp+tntp+fp+tn+fnAccuracy = \frac{tp + tn}{tp+fp+tn+fn}

Here: tp=TruePositivetp = True Positive tn=TrueNegativetn = True Negative fp=FalsePositivefp = False Positive fn=FalseNegativefn = False Negative


Let’s say we build a COVID-19 classifier, when it classify a healthy person as healthy, then we say this is a True Negative result, if this classifier classify this healthy person as COVID-19 patient, we called this result is False Positive, similarly, it classify an COVID-19 patient as a COVID-19 patient, we called this result True Positive, if it fail to do so, we call this result as False Negative

We shouldn’t use accuracy on imbalanced problems, it’s very easy to get a very high accuracy score by simply classifying all observation as the majority class. Why we say so? back to the same COVID-19 problem, if we have a dataset that $99\%$ of the data is COVID-19 patient, and $1\%$ of the data is healthy person, if the classifier we built, just simply “guess” every sample is COVID-19 patient, it get $99\%$ accuracy, but can we say this classifier a Good Classifier?

In Python we can calculate the accuracy in the following way:

from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, accuracy_score

y_pred_class = y_pred_pos > threshold
tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred_class).ravel()
accuracy = (tp + tn) / (tp + fp + fn + tn)

# or simply call the accuracy_score api
accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred_class)

Since Accuracy score is calculated on the predicted classes(not prediction socre) we need to apply certain threshold before computing it. The obvious choice is the threshold of $0.5$ but it can be adjust according to the actual problem.

An example of How accuracy depends on the threshold choice:
